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Colleagues say goodbye to long serving Authority member

At the June Authority meeting colleagues gathered to say good bye to The Rt Reverend Dr Lee Rayfield as he attended his last meeting after two terms as an Authority member.

Lee is the Bishop of Swindon, a member of Ordained Scientists and has been a HFEA Authority member since 2012.

Speaking at the meeting HFEA Chair Sally Cheshire CBE said: “Lee has consistently offered the Board invaluable objective insight using his unique combination of religious position and scientific knowledge. The staff of the HFEA and the board have found Lee hugely enjoyable to work with and we hope he has had a professionally rewarding time as a member of the board, his contribution has and will continue to be greatly appreciated.”

Sally concluded by thanking Lee for his hard work over the past six years and wishing him all the best for the future.

Publication date: 20 December 2018

Review date: 20 December 2020