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Update on the Donor Conceived Register

In April 2018 the HFEA took over responsibility for the running of the Donor Conceived Register (DCR) and since then it has been delivered by the National Gamete Donation Trust (NGDT).

The service is currently out to tender as our contract with the NGDT ends on 31 March 2019. We are discussing with NGDT how the transfer of all aspects of the service to the new provider will take place. While we expect a short break in service from April 2019, we will ensure as much consistency as possible.

These detailed discussions include how we manage the handover of the DNA testing part of the service to new provider. Given the very long lead time for processing under the current service, we have agreed with the NGDT that they should stop sending out DNA kits. This is because the current lab would be unable to process them after 31 March 2019 and so we can maintain a smooth handover for registrants, the NGDT and the new service provider. We will be discussing with the current DNA testing lab how the handover of any outstanding DNA test results will be managed once the NGDT contract ends.

Our priority remains to put in place a new model for the DCR that provides the best service and support for donor conceived people born before or after 1991. We will keep the registrants updated with the progress of choosing a new service provider via the DCR and HFEA websites.

Any registrants wishing to undertake a DNA test should contact our Donor Information Team for further information. The Donor Information team will take your details and the information will be passed to the new service provider. DNA tests will be processed by the new service provider once tests are available.

Our Donor Information Team are also arranging counselling in the interim for those we feel they need access to support.

Please contact the Donor Information Team on 0207 291 8200 or via email at Opening.TheRegister@HFEA.GOV.UK for more information.

Publication date: 18 December 2019

Review date: 18 December 2021